
Sunday, 8 February 2015

The Collectors Showcase: Latest Germans

More great armour from TCS, this time in the shape of a Whirlwind AA vehicle. As is the norm with TCS this rather attractive looking piece comes in a choice of winter and summer camo patterns and is packaged with three crew members and a thrown track option. Follow the link for more details

Happy Hunting!

First Legion: January Releases

The latest releases from First Legion. I'm trying hard not to drool all over my keyboard! Follow the usual links for more details

Pretty much everything FL produce is fabulous, and delightful but just take a look at these beauties and tell me, honestly, you don't want them!

Happy Hunting!

King and Country: February Dispatches

Bringing things right up to date, at least for one of the manufacturers whose wares I like to purchase, here's news of the latest releases and retirements from K&C. Once again, simply follow the links for full details of everything available this month

Of particular interest to me, and anyone else who might collect exclusively German soldiers, are the following offerings. I especially like the commandeered Renaults!

Rather unusually for K&C, both of the Renaults are being limited to 150 models each so get in there fast!

Happy Hunting!

King and Country: January Dispatches

As per normal, back in January, K&C released a raft of new figures. Very late in the day, if you follow these links you can find out much more about all of them

Interestingly, and contrary to the norm, nothing was retired in January

The images below are of the figures that are of particular interest to me

Happy Hunting!

Thomas Gunn Miniatures: New Germans

New First and Second World War Germans from TGM

GW031B The B version of our prone German officer with pistol, this time in
gas mask and Storm Trooper style helmet. Limited to 100 in number and priced
at $40/£29.50 each.

The B version of our dead officer previously released but this time in gas
mask with Storm Troop helmet.
Limited to 100 in number and priced at $40/£29.50

A Storm trooper in greatcoat wearing gas mask moves forward with his rifle
and spare ammo for the Maxim MG Gunner (coming soon).
Limited to 100 in number and priced at $40/£29.50

World War 2
FJ014 The Breakfast Club, Featuring Rolf Jager and Rudolf Witzig: Two new
well known FJ's (both Knights Cross recipients) this time in a more relaxed
mode around a camp fire cooking an egg for breakfast! Set comes complete
with the two figures, MP40's, FJ Helmets, bottle of beer and cooking fire.
There will be a part 2 very soon for this set, featuring two more KC winners
to go with the above figures.
Limited to 100 in number and priced at $85/£69 for the set.

Happy Hunting!


Hello there

Just over one week into February and this is my first post of 2015, aside from the New Year message posted at the beginning of January. Work commitments and other 'stuff' have conspired to get in the way of me blogging quite as much as I would have liked

Sadly, I have been forced to curtail my blogging exploits in order to concentrate on other things but I don't want to give up completely. Therefore I have reached a compromise with myself and decided to keep my blogging more personal, ie focused on my own collection and collecting interests

To all those who have stumbled across the blog so far, I hope you found something of interest, and to all of those who will come across it in the future, I hope the same will prove to be true

Happy Hunting!