
Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Shooting Holidays for Brits

Well now, here's a topic I don't know a whole lot about but I'd like to know more

I've been thinking about this for some time, ie going abroad to experience what it's like to handle and fire a real gun, [rifles and shotguns aside] but the inspiration for penning this was an article I read in the latest edition of Airsoft International, 'Smell the Cordite: an enthusiasts shooting weekend in Switzerland'

The write up was extremely positive, I'd go as far as to say it was a glowing report of the entire event. Everyone who took part appeared to love it and came way from the experience having discovered something important about themselves and/or one another

This particular excursion was a weekend away in Switzerland, being taught how to handle and shoot real world handguns and ARs by experienced ex Special Forces personnel, utilising some of the shooting stances and techniques employed by real world operators. I got the impression that this was a very intense, thorough and professionally run experience covering all manner of things to do with gun handling, drawing, targeting, shooting, stripping, cleaning and firing in different light conditions. More information is available on the company's website, however, I'd be interested to hear from anyone with direct experience of either this, or any similar, event run by them or any other company

The home page of the 'Smell the Cordite' website

It almost goes without saying, they aren't the only ones putting on shooting events, and the cost of the one referred to above, coming in at around £1,150 for the complete individual package, is going to be prohibitive for many people

The company referred to below also put on shooting events held outside of the UK, but I get the impression we are talking about a very different type of experience here, almost as different, perhaps, as the proverbial chalk and cheese, far more relaxed [whilst at the same time safe] and less intense

The home page of 'Top Gun Tours'
The website referred to below provides information and advice on all manner of things gun related, including shooting overseas, primarily aimed at UK residents and enthusiasts

'Cybershooters' is essentially an information portal for anyone interested in finding out about shooting and gun ownership

Perhaps you know of a company offering similar information and/or experiences. Maybe you've tried a shooting break, weekend, day at the range or whatever whilst on holiday. If so, why not post a comment and share your knowledge and experiences with us. Any contributions greatly appreciated

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