
Saturday, 1 January 2011

First Legion Crusading Knights: Part 2

Well, here we are at the beginning of 2011, talking once again about these delightful figures from First Legion. From the outset, you could say that First Legion have been on a crusade of their own, to create high end toy soldiers at prices that are still affordable by a majority of collectors

This range, which currently stands at 23 figures, has already generated a great deal of interest and when you take a close look at the figures you can easily see why. The sculpting is dynamic, the casting crisp, and the attention to detail in the painting, quite simply outstanding

Like many of their figures, they have been designed to represent, not parade ground soldiers but, warriors who have been truly battered and bruised by war. These are men in battle and it shows on their faces and in the way they are posed. It shows, too, in their weathered, worn and blood stained tunics, and shields which have been gouged by enemy axe blows and swords

As mentioned in a previous post, the range has been designed to depict the fall of Acre in 1291. As such, all three Military Orders are represented, and so too are mercenary and militia soldiers who fought alongside them from countries like France, Italy and England. The images below show the Hospitaller Knights and allied soldiers currently available

Hospitaller knight standard bearer

Hospitaller knight swinging axe

Man-at-arms with spear

Hospitaller Grand Master, Jean de Villiers

Hospitaller Marshal, Matthew de Clermont

The dying.....

.....and the dead

French crossbowman firing

Italian fratre militia with halberd

Italian fratre militia with spear

An English militia archer

By all accounts, Matt Pavone of First Legion has huge plans for this range, and I for one am delighted to hear that. Later in January we should start to see first sight of the enemy that was ranged against the crusaders, namely the Mamluks, and looking a little further ahead there are plans to release siege engines, terrain features, more foot soldiers and, of course, mounted troops for both sides

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