
Tuesday, 8 March 2011

WW2 Filmsim Game at Fireball

Some of you may have caught my earlier post regarding the March woodland game at my regular airsoft site, which took place last Saturday. It was a great game, thoroughly enjoyed by all those involved, not least me. I simply couldn't wait to play and was determined to have a good time. Sometimes, simple determination in such matters pays off!

I am similarly keen to have just as good a time on Saturday, April 16th when Fireball will be hosting a WW2 Filmsim game based loosely around the last ditch attempts by the Nazis to hold on to the crumbling remnants of their inglorious Reich in the face of nigh on relentless pressure from Allied forces

If this is the first you have heard of the game and you have an interest in taking part as a keen and already committed WW2 airsofter, or you are new to this aspect of the hobby and would like to come along and find out what all the fuss is about, you can find out more about the finer details by going to the appropriate thread on the CIA forum, or visiting the organiser's own forum, links to which you will find below

Forum of the game organiser, and no, I have absolutely no idea why it's called that!!

Game Scenario, Game Rules, When, Where and How Much?

Hopefully, the above links will help you answer most, if not all, of your questions, and more importantly, perhaps, with any luck I will see some of you at the game. I will certainly be there, taking on the role of the bitter and twisted, and ever so slightly insanely committed, German C in C. I can hardly wait!

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