
Friday, 15 July 2011

The Agony and the Ecstasy

You might be forgiven for thinking I'm beginning to lose the plot, and you're probably wondering what on earth the title of this post has to do with toy soldiers. All I can say in my defence is that it sums up perfectly the feelings that overcome me whenever I read the latest newsletter from First Legion, as I did a little earlier this evening!

Matt and the team have announced another tranche of new releases, that's right, in addition to the new Roman releases I wrote about in another First Legion themed post only a few days ago! Most of the delights referred to here aren't available for delivery until August, but they certainly deserve a mention, and you can decide for yourselves whether you pre-order them or save your pennies over the coming weeks

So, here goes. A few words from Matt, together with some eye candy, and informative captions. Enjoy!

We are very pleased to present the first release of our coverage of both a new nationality and a new Napoleonic Battle, Aspern Essling!!!  Of course, this means the Austrians and we have started off with a very colorful release in the form of the Grenadier Companies of the 2nd Hungarian Line Regiment converged into the Hahn Grenadier Battalion.  As with all of our releases, this one is expansive and consists of 18 different figures to lead the Austrian attack including an Officer, Drummer, NCO, Mounted Colonel, Standard Bearer, Sapper, and 12 Grenadiers, including dead and wounded.   Though designed for  Aspern Essling, the figures fit perfectly into any 1809 or later battle in which the Austrians took the field. So use them for Wagram, Dresden, Leipzig, Raab, or any other of the many Napoleonic battles in which the Austrians took part! 

All 18 of First Legion's Austrians, grouped together in line of battle formation

Also this month we are very pleased to present our latest offerings for our Stalingrad figure range, VEH006 Opel Blitz Truck and GERSTAL030-GERSTAL034, various figures to accompany the truck!  For the first time, we have taken the range into the realm of logistics with some non-combat figures that when used in conjunction with one another provide some wonderful diorama opportunities of Germans on the move or resupplying.   The seated figures in particular add a wonderful element of variety as they can be used equally well as passengers for the Opel Blitz, as Tank Riders, or simply seated on our boxes or other diorama elements 

This picture shows the new Opel Blitz together with the four seated figures, shown inside the truck and also sitting on the tank in the background, the additional supplies set, and the infantry figure sets manhandling some of the cargo

Boxes not included, but so what! The beauty of these figures is that you can seat them just about anywhere. Display options limited only by your imagination!

The additional supplies set, including a couple of boxes and crates to sit some of your figures on!

Two figure sets depicting hard pressed German infantrymen manhandling cargo into, or out of, this.....

.....a beautiful rendition of the ubiquitous Opel Blitz which is flexible enough to be displayed in a variety of ways, just like the DAK version already on sale

The model has the following features:
- Removable Rear Canvas Cover
- Removable Rear Metal Support Frames
- Opening and Closing Rear Door
- 3 Benches in the rear, 2 of which are removable
- Removable Hand Crank Starter for Front Engine Grill

Last, but by no means least, Matt has announced yet another new series and, what with my penchant for soldiery of a Germanic persuasion, I'm afraid it means a few more must have figures to add to my wish list, and that my friends is where the agony comes in!

Yes, we are turning our efforts to a period of history that garners very little coverage in the toy soldier world, the Renaissance, and starting off with the Battle of Pavia in 1525.   For more details and lots of big delicious images of our latest figure range, please visit the “Renaissance” page on our website.    This range will launch for pre-order in September 2011.  We sincerely hope you enjoy it!

Oh, for a lottery win! Until next time, happy hunting!

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