
Friday, 8 July 2011

The Plastic Soldier Company

The Plastic Soldier Company is a relatively new company selling plastic and resin figures and vehicles in 15mm and 1/72 [20mm] scales

The Plastic Soldier Company Ltd is the brainchild of William Townshend, a lifelong wargamer and military history enthusiast

Frustrated by the limitations of soft polythene gaming figures that one frequently finds in toyshops, which are usually both difficult to paint and which suffer from a surfeit of poses that are of little use to the average wargamer, Will saw the potential for creating a range of high-quality miniatures using modern hard plastics. This means that he can help wargamers wanting to build their armies rapidly and at the best possible value for money

At the same time, it was important to Will that his products are of a standard that will satisfy the demands of the modeller and diorama builder, with their particular demands for accurate period detail in both uniforms and weaponry

You can expect to see many more periods and scales being added to this exciting range: keep an eye on the gaming press for details. If you have any requests or suggestions, please get in touch!

At the moment, the company is producing an expanding range of WW2 figures and vehicles and, in addition, is selling a selection of Mainly Military scenic items and ready-to-roll resin vehicles from Raventhorpe

A painted T-34 from their range of Russian figures and vehicles and..... exploded diagram illustrating the model's component parts

For £16.50 you get five, injection moulded, easy assembly 15mm vehicles and enough parts to allow you to make each of them either a T34/76 or a T34/85. They also make a 20mm version sold as a box of three vehicles for £12.50

57 hard plastic 1/72 scale miniatures depicting WW2 Late War German Infantry 1943-45 as follows:
    •    6 junior officers/NCOs
    •    39 grenadiers
    •    6 light machine gun teams

Some of the German infantry, taken out of the box, glued together and painted. They look quite good, don't they?

So, if you're a Flames of War, or Rapid Fire, enthusiast The Plastic Soldier Company may well have something that takes your fancy. Why not check them out

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