
Saturday, 22 October 2011

Thomas Gunn: Recent Releases

If you're a fan of Thomas Gunn, and by all accounts you are one of an increasingly large number of collectors, then you've probably seen these already and, if you're a very keen collector of TG figures, you might have already bought them!

In fact, you almost certainly have, and I say this with confidence since a few days ago I received an email update in my inbox informing me that the majority of the figure sets pictured below are either completely sold out or down to the last one or two remaining examples. Therefore, if you haven't already handed over your 'hard earned' for one of these sets you're going to have to hunt high and low for them and trust to luck

Much of the rest of the text is provided courtesy of Tom, the owner of TG

Dear All

Please find attached pictures of our new releases for October. Next month sees our first
American troops hit the ground and December sees our first WW1 and
Napoleonic figures on display at the London show

Some of you will have already seen these new October sets at Chicago and
have, indeed, already purchased them. For those of you who have not had chance
please read below

SS020 Late War Tank Hunters: 2 SS Tank Hunters, one aiming his Panzerfaust
at an oncoming enemy tank, whilst the other waits ready with his Gewehr 43
to finish off the unlucky crew or to use his Panzerfaust should his team
mate miss!
Limited to 200 sets in the Winter 1944 version and 100 in the Spring 1945
version and priced at $64

S023 Medical Kubelwagen: A unique piece that has never been made in 1/30th
scale before  to my knowledge. Seen everywhere on all fronts throughout WW2,
the medical Kubelwagen was a welcome sight for all wounded soldiers. Comes
with detachable stretcher and will work brilliantly with SS022/FJ007 Medical
sets or on its own as a diorama piece

The Normandy version comes in a dark yellow with green tiger stripe pattern
and the desert version is featured sporting a sand colour with grey
undercoat paint showing through due to wear and tear!
Limited to 200 sets in the Normandy version and 150 sets in the DAK version
and priced at $79

SS022 SS/DAK Medic Set: 2 beautifully crafted figures that will accompany
SS023 Medical Kubelwagen or work equally as well on their own. A medical
orderly tends to a wounded solider with a very painful looking leg and arm
Limited to 200 sets in the Normandy SS version and 100 in the DAK version
and priced at $62

SS024 HMG Anniversary Set: The very last in our series of German HMG sets
for a long time so grab this one whilst it's around. Next year we will look
at another weapon as I feel it's time for a change and a different theme!
This set features 2 SS gunners with one firing his MG42 and the other
feeding the ammunition through and will enhance any diorama as a classic piece

Limited to 200 sets in the Winter 1944 version and 150 sets in the Spring
1945 version. Priced at $75 this should be an affordable piece every
collector will want in their collection

Well, I couldn't agree more with the opinion, biased though it inevitably is, expressed in that last caption. I know I'd love one for my own collection and if there just so happens to be one knocking around the Maison Militaire stand at the Birmingham Toy Soldier Show tomorrow, then I might just grab it

Happy hunting!

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