
Sunday, 4 December 2011

First Legion Workbench

Nothing to report in the way of new releases from First Legion this month but I thought you might like a bit of a heads up regarding a number of figures they have in the pipeline. I took a quick look at their Workbench page the other day and thought I'd share the following with you

In 2011 we focused primarily on the enemies of Napoleon, releasing lots of Waterloo British and the first of our Austrians for Aspern-Essling. In early 2012 we'll shift our focus back to the Grande Armee with exciting new releases of French and French Allies for Aspern-Essling, Borodino, and Waterloo.  To that end, we are very pleased to provide the first look at our upcoming French 18th Regiment of the Line and a new nationality with the Grand Duchy of Warsaw's 1st Polish Line Infantry Regiment. We sincerely hope you enjoy them!

We are very pleased to share with you the next releases for our American Revolution figure range. We have the British 22nd Foot in firing line and to lead them, General Cornwallis who is accompanied by his dogs. We hope you enjoy!

More than any other question about our Stalingrad range, we are asked "When will you produce some Russian Armor?" Well, the answer is "soon." Here is a preview of the first piece of Russian Armor to be made available for the Stalingrad figure range, the T-34 76 STZ (Stalingrad Tractor Factory) with Welded Turret

In addition to the tank, they will also be releasing a Maxim MG to provide some much needed heavy supporting fire for the beleaguered Russian infantry and these two figures to add to the German forces

I can't wait for the sniper! Happy hunting!

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