
Sunday, 22 January 2012

First Legion: Update!

I've already posted about several forthcoming releases from First Legion this month but when I received their latest newsletter in my inbox the other day I decided to post this update

First up are a few rather delightful looking terrain pieces which, if you have room for them, can be used to add a little First Legion flourish to your displays. Here's the first of several images, together with the company's own description of the piece in question

The latest item for our Buildings and Terrain series takes us back to the Battle of Stalingrad with the first building release in our new modular style diorama sets. This brick building is heavily battle damaged with the entire rear of the building completely blown off thus exposing the interior   

This building works extremely well when used with our other modular terrain tiles and multiples can be setup back to back giving the look of a full, but heavily damaged building.  This type of building was found all over Stalingrad in neat rows and thus can be used in various sections of the city  

Though designed for Stalingrad, it can be used for many other theaters of the war as well, including Western Europe. This extremely detailed building comes with the following features:

3 x drain pipes attached to the building
 2 x removable roof pieces
3 x removable interior floors
 2 x separate battle damaged doors
3 x separate large rubble pieces
1 x small side building tile roof
1 x bag of loose rubble

Building Measurements in inches: 15.5" (L) x 8" (W) x 11" (H)
Boxed Weight - 15.5 Pounds

In front of the building in the last picture you can see a section of cobbled road which is just one of a series of modular terrain pieces the company is producing, all of which are pictured below and described by the company in the accompanying text

Our new modular terrain boards were specifically designed to display our figures on and can be used in combination with one another to make a simple one piece shelf display or to create much larger settings. They have been designed to work for all First Legion figure ranges from Rome, through the Napoleonic period, right the way up to WWII and everything in between

Measurements in inches: 15" (L) x 8" (W)
Boxed Weight - 4.5 Pounds

At 15" X 8" these boards are large enough to accommodate quite a number of figures, especially if you happen to collect Napoleonics or Romans, or are thinking of starting up a collection of their new Renaissance figures, and have them grouped together in units several ranks deep. I think they'd look mighty handsome!

Finally, I thought I'd include a couple of images from the Workbench section of the FL website which features, amongst other things, some soon to be released Japanese cavalry for their Samurai range and a Germanic warband, looking suitably ferocious and savage, to pitch against their splendid Roman forces. I can't wait to see these rolling off the production line

We are very pleased to provide this sneak peek of our upcoming Mounted Takeda cavalry release for our Age of the Samurai figure range. Fans of this range have waited almost two years since our last release and should be very pleased to hear that there will be not just one, but two major Samurai releases coming in 2012, both of which focus on the Takeda clan. The first of these features 6 different Mounted Takeda Samurai charging at Nagashino
Now that we've officially launched the Glory of Rome figure range, let's take a quick look at just a few of the of many figures that will be added to this range over the coming months. Most specifically, the figures up next for the range, a big group of fierce Germanic Warriors ranging from the simple peasant to the noble elite


That about wraps it up for now. Happy hunting!

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