
Sunday, 15 April 2012

Wargamers and Toy Soldier Collectors Cross Swords

One of the demonstrations put on for patrons at the recent LTSS was a skirmish style wargame played with 54mm toy soldiers. Within the wargaming world it seems that playing smaller scale games with larger scale figures is once again finding favour

The truth of this is reflected in the fact that Victrix, a leading manufacturer of multi-part plastic figures, has recently started producing 54mm Napoleonics. They already have a couple of boxes of British Peninsular troops available and will be adding to their range shortly with some Frenchies!

There are 16 figures per set. The Grenadiers have a mixture of bearskins and covered shakos with an Officer, Drummer and Porte Fanion. The Voltiguers have a mixture of long plumed and thistle tufted shakos with an officer and bugler. All the figures from both sets can be mixed together to make even more variety 

The company is currently awaiting confirmation of the production schedule from the tooling company and then they will go on release. Also in the pipeline from Victrix are several sets of Ancient Greeks

The pictures below show the master resin castings of their first Athenians, Spartans and Thebans. They will be released in that order, with a 2-3 week gap between each release, and the first batch are scheduled for April or May

Each set will contain 48 figures with so many variations possible it is hard to count them all. Interchangeable heads with separate crests. Arm positions including thrusting, at rest and sword arms. We also have cloaks to add to figures and musician arms to make your command figures. The spears are cast separate to the hands so you can replace them with metal spears if you wish. However the plastic spears will be more flexible and less prone to breaking off than metal

Happy hunting!

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