
Saturday, 8 December 2012

King and Country Dispatches

Well, here we are in December and the season of good will is upon us. I wonder what Santa will be bringing you this year? Maybe some of the following. Without further ado we'll get straight into the business of perusing some of the offerings available form the team over at K&C

As usual, all of the figures previewed in last month's post are now available to purchase, namely the Chinese frontier fort, three additional figure sets for the Streets of Old Hong Kong range, the three Australian Light Horse camel riders, the first seven items for the new Custer's Last Stand range, and eight Horse Grenadiers of the Imperial Guard for their Napoleonic series

So, what's coming up in January? Read on and find out

First up, some dusty, battle-hardened Eighth Army Brits for all you desert war collectors out there. All the figures pictured below will be available together with a second vehicle, pictured separately

A. Desert Dust-Up!

EA078 Valentine Mk.III Tank

The Valentine was the most produced of any British-designed tank during WW2. More than 8,000 were built in 11 different marks. They accounted for over one quarter of all British tank production between 1940 and 1944

In addition to serving with both British and Canadian army units large numbers were supplied to Soviet Russia under lend-lease

This is the first K&C Valentine (two more are planned) and is in the markings of the 1st. Army Tank Brigade, stationed in Tobruk, Libya in 1942

Our model “HECTOR” wears the unique “splinter” three-colour camouflage and comes with a vehicle commander

EA079 “Attacking Officer
EA080 “Sergeant Tommy-Gunner
EA081 “Lying Prone Bren Gunner”        
      EA082 “Lying Firing Rifleman
      EA083 “Charging w/Rifle and Bayonet
EA084 “Standing Firing Rifleman

In addition to the figures mentioned above they will also be releasing this diminutive, but nonetheless very handsome, little vehicle which definitely looks like it's seen better days!

EA066 “Desert Dingo”. This is the third and final version of this little British armoured reconnaissance vehicle. Dingoes saw wide and varied use by British and Empire forces throughout the war in North Africa. Our new one belongs to the 7th. Armored Division “The Desert Rats” and has been “christened” MORECAMBE. The vehicle includes a driver and separate Bren Gun

Next in line, K&C have chosen to return to a series of figures that proved very popular when the initial release was announced a few years ago, and there will be more to follow later in 2013

B. Return to The Crimea

Under a hail of Russian shell and shot the British infantry make their tortuous way forward during the siege of Sevastapol

CR003 “Kneeling Firing”
CR004 “Standing Firing”
CR005 “Pointing Corporal”
CR006 “Drummer Boy”
CR007 “Loading Rifle”
CR008 “Advancing w/Rifle at the Port”
CR009 “Advancing Forward”
CR010 “Crouching w/Rifle & Bayonet”
CR011 “Marching to the Front”

Travelling a little further east, and much further back in time to the days of the Crusades, K&C will also be releasing six new Saracen warriors and I've picked two of my favourites to show you here

C. Saladin's Saracens to the Rescue

MK097 “Saracen Sergeant-at-Arms”
MK098 “Advancing Cross Bowman”
MK099 “Charging Saracen Spearman”
MK100 “Advancing Saracen Spearman”
MK101 “Kneeling Saracen Spearman”
MK102 “Mounted Saracen Officer”

Last, but for me at any rate by no means least, three more SA figures for their Streets of Berlin range, this time in the shape of three marching bandsmen

D. On the Streets of Berlin

LAH166 “S.A. Drum Major”
Mace in hand this veteran “Musik-leiter” leads his men on parade
LAH167 “S.A. Trumpeter”
LAH168 “S.A. Drummer”

E. Heading for the Hills!

And so to the retirements and, I'm happy to say, nothing for me here this month. Nevertheless, with any luck Santa will be bringing me everything I want from last month's retirements list, about 7 pieces in all! Here's hoping Santa will be just as kind to you!

AK060  Water Supplies Set
AK061  Soldier Drinking From Jerry Can
AK062  Fuel Transporter
AK063  Field Marshal Albert "Smiling Albert" Kesselring
BBG018  Winter Scout
BBG020  Waiting and Smoking
HK172  Happy Family
LAH058  Marching Algemeine SS Man
LAH059  Marching Algemeine Officer
LAH060  Marching w/ Standard
LAH063  Wehrmacht Mounted Officer
LAH064  Wehrmacht Marching Officer
LAH065  Wehrmacht Marching Flagbearer
LAH066  Wehrmacht Marching Drummer
LAH067  Wehrmacht Marching Rifleman

Until next time, happy hunting!

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