
Sunday, 13 January 2013

King and Country: Dispatches

What follows is a summary of those figures being released by K&C in February. Enjoy, and as always further images and details are available on the company website

First up, a few more figures for the company's new range depicting Custer's famous last stand at the Battle of the Little Big Horn

TRW021 “Lieutenant Cooke”
TRW026 “Kneeling Ready”
TRW027 “First Aid”
TRW028 “Standing Loading Carbine”
TRW029 “The Trapped Horseman”
TRW032 “Lying Firing Carbine”
TRW033 “Clearing a Blockage”

Special Note: Fourteen all-action Sioux and Cheyenne warriors (both on foot and mounted) will be available shortly! Look out for ‘em

Next up, another of K&C's wonderful diorama pieces and another re-working of a Normandy facade first produced a number of years ago

SP054  “Café de Normandie”

More than a few years ago we produced an earlier, less detailed (and smaller) version of this. We decided it was time to revise and revisit this little piece of Normandy. The newer, bigger and better “Café de Normandie” can be used in a wide variety of settings and scenes both on its own and/or with other facades and buildings

From Normandy we cross the Mediterranean sea to North Africa and welcome four new sets to reinforce the beleagured DAK forces

AK092 “Sd.Kfz.222 Armoured Car”
AK093 “Sd.Kfz.251 Halftrack”
AK095 “2cm Flak 38 Gun Set”
AK096 “Flak Gun Crew”

Sticking with the African theme for a moment, the next release on the list features something a little different

As regular “Dispatches” readers know once a year K&C release an Italian themed series of figures and vehicles primarily (but not exclusively) aimed at our collectors in Italy. Well, this year is no exception. However, we’ve cast our net a wee bit wider to introduce some soldiers that some collectors may be less well informed about… Mussolini’s native troops

IF028 “Carabinieri Motorcycle Set”
IF030 “Italian Officer of Askaris”
IF031 “Flagbearer Sergeant”
IF032 “Charging #1”
IF033 “Charging #2”
IF034 “Crouching”
IF035 “Kneeling Firing”
IF036 “Sitting Firing”
IF037 “Lying Prone”
IF038 “Scouting For The Enemy”
IF039 “Avanti!”  
IF040 “Standing Firing Rifle”

Special Note: The Italian Army made extensive use of locally-recruited, native troops in Italian East Africa… Almost 200,000 were recruited and comprised mostly infantry, some cavalry and a few light artillery units

From Italian East Africa we journey to The Crimea for the second new release of British Line Infantry figures

CR001 “Officer w/Pistol & Sword”
CR002 “Subaltern w/The Queen’s Colour”
CR012 “The Rescue”
CR013 “The Bugler”
CR014 “The Regimental Standard Bearer”

Finally, here's the list of figure sets 'heading for the hills', amongst their number this rather splendid looking Tiger 1 that I still have to add to my own collection

AK072     Afrika Korps Kubelwagen
LAH080  Reichusfuhrer Heinrich Himmler Saluting
LAH081  Martin Bormann
LAH085  Algemeine Officer Saluting
LAH086  Algemeine SS Standing
MK033    Saracen Defending w/Sword & Shield
MK037    Attacking Saracen w/Sword & Shield
MK039    Saracen Flagbearer
NA056     French Imperial Guard-General Dorsenne
NA057      Guard Officer w/Sword Marching
NA058      Guard Officer w/Flag
NA059      Guard w/Rifle Advancing
NA060      Guard w/Rifle Marching
NA061      Guard Drummer Marching
NA063      Guard w/Rifle Present Arms
NA152      Guard Standing at Attention
NA153      Guard Kneeling Firing
NA154      Guard Standing Firing
NA155      Guard Standing to Repel
NA156      Guard Loading Rifle
NA157      Guard Marching w/Rifle
WS126      Normandy Rommel
WS127      Gen.Oberst Heinz Guderian
WS151     Tiger 1

As ever, happy hunting!

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