
Tuesday, 9 July 2013

King and Country: Dispatches

Back to normal, or what passes for it in my world, with news of the latest releases and retirements from K&C. An image-heavy feast of delights, this is a brief summary of what's coming up in July. Further details, as always, are available on the company website. The images here are supplied by K&C and The Toy Soldiers Club in Canada. Here we go

First up, some additions to their very well received ACW ranges

A new pagoda for their Streets of Old Hong Kong range

And now for some Allied armour and artillery from WW2. I distinctly remember having a die-cast metal version of the artillery piece, two in fact, as a boy. They got a bit battered and bruised over the years and are now long since gone

That Allied armour is going to need something to shoot at, so how about this, K&C's latest version of the Jagdpanther tank destroyer. Nice!

WS228 “Jagdpanther Ausf. GI”

The Jagdpanther (or Hunting Panther) was a German tank destroyer built on the chassis of the already successful Panther tank. It combined the powerful 88mm gun of the Tiger tank with the excellent armour and suspension of the Panther

This all-new Jagdpanther (K&C’s last version goes back to 2004) is a battle weary one from the summer of 1944 covered in “zimmerit” paste that has been “chipped-away” in combat revealing the original rust-brown undercoat applied at the factory. Although most Jagdpanthers appeared on the Eastern Front they also fought in small numbers in the Battle of Normandy

The K&C model comes with two tank-crew figures who can be seen in the open hatches

A “winter” version will be released later in the year

A little while ago K&C released a lovely looking bunker inspired by part of the Atlantic Wall in Normandy. Well, here are some British marine Commandos that could be deployed to attack it

Once they're done with defeating the Germans and freeing occupied France they could perhaps find some relaxation 'behind the lines' and allow themselves to be served a refreshingly cool beer by these two likely gents. Sounds good to me!

Heading For The Hills

So, here is the list of all those figures heading for the happy hunting grounds in the sky this month. Once again, it's quite an extensive list with something in there for most collectors I shouldn't wonder

BBG024 Attack
BBG025 Rifle Support
BBG026 Winter Rifleman
BBG027 Advancing Rifleman
BBG028 Covering Fire
CW056 Officer's Tent
DD055 Winston Churchill
MK056 Duke Boris of Saxony
MK057 Sir Roger De Tolkinghorn

MK060 Kneeling Saracen Archer
MK061 Loading Saracen Archer
MK062 Sir Arthur De Mountford
MK063 Wounded Templar Set
MK064 Standing Saracen Archer
NA125 Coldstream Guards" Mounted Officer"
NA126 CG Officer w/ Regimental Colour (Flag)
NA127 CG Officer w/ King's Colour (Flag)
NA128 CG Standing Firing Rifle

NA129 CG Standing to Repel
NA130 CG Kneeling to Repel
NA131 CG Sergeant w/ Pike
NA133 CG Kneeling Firing Rifle
NA134 CG Standing Ready
NA168 Scots Greys Officer
RAF005 Flight Lieutenant Sandy Johnstone
RAF009 Flying Officer & Trophy
RAF011 Wing Commander Guy Gibson VC

RAF012 Flight Lieutenant Les Munro
RAF013 Flight Lieutenant Harold "Mickey" Martin
TRW014 Mounted Indian w/Bow & Arrow
TRW015 Mounted Indian w/Shield & Lance
TRW016 Warrior Firing Musket
TRW017 Warrior Running
TRW018 Warrior Charging
TRW019 Warrior Firing Bow
WS130 German Guard Box

That just about wraps things up for this month so, happy hunting until next time!

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