
Friday, 6 June 2014

Thomas Gunn Miniatures: June Releases

And now for the second post this month devoted to the relative rarities produced by TGM

Thomas Gunn

The French Foreign Legion Series - Mexico

More additions to our Mexican adventure FFL range, we are we are pleased to announce 2 more figure sets for this series as follows:

The French Foreign Legion Series

Continuing with the FFL 'Beau Geste' range we have added 2 casualty Legionnaires plus a new version of the very popular HMG set recently released.
  • FFL016C -- St Etienne MG Set (Gunner Bandaged) - Our 3rd and last version of the St Etienne HMG set. The gunner this time has no hat but sports a bandage covering a nasty head wound whilst the number 2 wears the traditional Pith style hat issued to legionnaires from the late 19th century onwards.
  • FFL022 -- Dead Legionnaires - Two Legionnaires who won't be going home lie dead on the ground.

Scramble for Africa Series

More additions to one of our bestselling series, some British 24th of Foot in a variety of poses.
  • SFA002B -- Running 60th Rifles - By popular demand we have remade SFA002 this time with the correct style Pith hats, rifles and uniform details! The set features two Privates running to or away from the action, you decide!
  • SFA008 -- NCO Pointing - An NCO from the 24th laden down with full kit shouts orders out to fellow platoon members.
  • SFA010 -- At Attention - A Private from the 24th stands to attention whilst waiting to be inspected. Dressed in full campaign gear, these young men know that very soon they will be facing the Zulu or the Boer!
  • SFA011 -- Sgt 24th Regiment - A Senior NCO with British Bulldog puppy gets ready to bark out orders to his waiting men. Dressed for parade with red sash and cane stick, this Sgt is the epitome of the Victorian soldier!
  • SFA014 -- Swinging rifle - A Private from the 24th ammunition expended and bayonet broken takes a last desperate swing at his opponent. Time is definitely running out for this young soldier unless helps arrives pretty soon!
  • SFA015 -- Lying down reload - A Private from the 24th reaches down for more ammunition from one of the pouches of his Slade Wallace webbing.

The Great War

Three more figures as we trundle on towards the 100th Anniversary of the start of WW1.
  • GW023 -- French WW1 infantry with Gas Masks - One soldier stands firing whilst the other fires from the kneeling position. Both soldiers laden down with full kit and wearing the 1917 ARS gasmasks. Both soldiers can be used in the 'ready to fire' position or 'firing downwards' at a prone target. We have four German prone position soldiers coming soon which would all make good targets for our Poilus! I have attached pictures of a German officer in clay sculpt form so you get the idea of what is coming!
  • GW024A -- US Sentry with Boston Pit Bull Sgt Stubby - Sgt Stubby was the most decorated dog of WW1, being wounded several times in action who also learnt how to warn his unit of incoming gas attacks after himself being gassed. Stubby was a member of the 26th American Division but we have him here on temporary loan to a member of the 82nd All American Division. Available as an A version with sentry wearing 'Drill Hat' or as a B version later next month with sentry wearing British style 'Tin Lid.' Please note grass has been added to the base of the sign and the wording 'War Dogs' has been increased to the same size as the other wording.

World War 2

  • USA002A -- US Army Rangers Part 1 - Two NCO'S from the 2nd Rangers in full beach assault gear make an appearance to commemorate the 70th anniversary of D-Day. One figure stands with knees bent firing whilst the prone position Ranger takes careful aim. The A version figures wear Paratrooper style high leg boots whilst the B version (coming next month) wear the more traditional gaiters and net covers on their helmets.
  • USA003A -- US Army Rangers Part 2 - More Rangers to complement our D Day Anniversary commemoration. This time a standing Ranger takes aim with his carbine whilst the kneeling Ranger kneels on the deck also giving covering fire. Once again the A version figures wear high leg paratrooper boots whilst the B version (available next month) wear gaiters and net covered helmets.
  • SS013A -- Dead/Surrendering Germans - Two Germans to complement our US Rangers as the D-Day beach assault gets in full swing! One SS trooper throws the towel in and puts his hands up whilst his not so lucky comrade has already taken a fatal wound, for both the war is over regardless! The A version comes in a Normandy colour scheme whilst the B version figures (available next month) will be suitable for a Battle of the Bulge winter setting.

Heinkel HE162

Heinkel HE162 is ready and set for take off, these will be shipped end of the month by sea and therefore will be in UK late June. As this is so close to July 4th we will hold the release until then. The retail price will be $220 including the 2 pilot figures, the bigger box needed played a part in the bigger than anticipated price. For a limited edition jet fighter aircraft of 100 worldwide its extremely good value for money and is bound to be popular amongst collectors. This version of the Salamander was flown by Staffel Kapitan Erich Demuth and he is included with this aircraft, looking at his watch. Demuths plane sported his 16 kills on the tail fin, none of which were achieved in the Salamander as the aircraft saw very little combat service. Too little too late are the words that spring to mind on this occasion!
  • Heinkel HE162 - Not yet listed on our web site.

Happy Hunting!

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