
Saturday, 5 November 2011

TCS: Yet More Germans!

Those of you who've been following the blog for a while have almost certainly picked up on the fact that my interest in the figures produced by The Collectors Showcase has been growing, and I'm not the only one for whom that can be said

Their WW2 German vehicles represent excellent value for money, in my humble opinion, and I love the various tank riders and seated figure sets they produce with which to adorn them. Which brings me very neatly on to the subject matter of this post, namely two new vehicles and additional figure sets, one for their series representing the Liebstandarte on parade and the others for their Normandy Germans range

First up, is this wonderful looking Jagdpanther painted very nicely indeed in the familiar tri-camo paint scheme and operating as part of the 9th Waffen SS panzer division, Hohenstaufen

The German Jagdpanther was probably the war's finest tank destroyer. With excellent, thick sloping armor and an up-gunned 88 this beast was feared and reviled by allied tankers throughout the later stages of the war. The TCS version comes with a thrown track, two crew opening hatches and a rear opening chassis door. They've even created brand new figure sets to go with it

The additional figure sets [two sets of two] can be seen in the two photos below

One set comprises two panzer grenadiers climbing onto the tank destroyer and the second set comprises the standing and kneeling troopers already on board

The pea-dot camo uniforms look to be very well done! 

I already have the Normandy version of the SdKfz half-track they produced a while back, and the additional 'leaping' figures to hang all over it, and I must say I absolutely love it. I'm planning on buying a couple of tank riders to put on the 007 Tiger I bought recently, and these guys will be next on my list

Also on my list of TCS figure sets I would seriously love to have is this, their version of Hitler's staff car complete with a standing figure of Hitler and a couple of other 'dignitaries'. I can already picture it taking pride of place on my own Lichterfelde Barracks display, which at the moment is still a bit empty!

The new Mercedes 770k Limousine is the first of its kind in the industry. Perfectly scaled for the 60mm figures it features: Mussolini, Goering, a driver and a Hitler figure that comes with a base for multi-use. There is also an opening and closing door

The Jagdpanther wades in at $179, the two additional figure sets at $65.90 each and the Hitler staff car is $165. All are available in the UK from Maison Militaire

Happy hunting!

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