
Friday, 11 November 2011

Thomas Gunn: Recent Releases

Time, once again, for news of recent releases from Thomas Gunn

As promised [last month] some new troops in the form of American Paras. Let's hope you like these as we have a lot more designs on hold waiting to be released providing you take to these first new sets:

ATW001A 60mm Mortar Team - Featuring our first American Airborne troops from the 82nd Airborne Division (The All Americans), taking their 60mm mortar into action against the enemy! The loader and aimer both look away as another round leaves the chamber. These 2 were in such a rush to get into action the loader is still wearing his drop gloves! Planned production run is limited to 180 sets in this version

The B version crew are sporting Mohican hair cuts and war paint and wear the unit colours of the 101st Airborne. This version is limited to 120 sets and is titled 'Last of the Mohicans'. Both versions priced at $69 each and probably not around for long so grab them whilst you can!

SS021A Infantry Section - Comprising 2 SS soldiers in winter gear. The officer takes aim with his MP40 whilst the other foot-slogger hurriedly reloads his rifle. Limited to 200 sets in this version

The B version figures come in a popular Spring 1945 colour scheme and is limited to 100 sets worldwide. Both versions priced at $64 each

GEB001 Sniper - The first of, hopefully, many Gebirgsjager troops! This SS mountain trooper takes aim at an unfortunate Allied soldier, sometime during the Battle of the Bulge Campaign in late 1944.
Limited to 200 sets in this version and priced at $32

GC009 Gebirgsjager Sniper - The latest Gunn Club figure featuring an SS mountain trooper dressed as he would have appeared in spring 1945, limited to 100 sets worldwide and priced at $32

SS027A ZB30 MG set - Another first in 1/30th scale so far as I am aware! Two SS infantry men manning their Czech ZB30 machine gun. The gunner takes careful aim whilst the number 2 waits with a fresh magazine. Comes with 2 figures both dressed in typical uniform for the winter period, with one man carrying a bag containing fresh magazines and the other with a canvas bag containing spare MG parts. Limited to 200 sets

The ZB30 was made in Czechoslovakia and was popular with SS infantry and SS police units, especially when the MG34 was not readily available. It was still in use at the war's end which was a testament to its reliability and durable construction. Enfield made the British version of this machine gun which went onto worldwide fame as the Bren for those of you wondering about the similarity between the two guns!          

The B version will suit any diorama for Western Europe from Spring through to Autumn and is limited to 100 sets worldwide. Both versions priced very competitively at $69 each

I bought my first two Thomas Gunn pieces at the last Birmingham Toy Soldier Show and am absolutely delighted with them. They represent excellent value for money and I would thoroughly recommend them

Happy hunting!

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