
Sunday 5 January 2014

King and Country: January Dispatches

The festivities are over, the turkey has all been gobbled up and the runny bits of left over sherry trifle supped, and we're facing those January blues, wondering what the next three hundred and fifty something days will hold for us

Well, if you're a toy soldier collector who likes his K&C figures and wants to know what to look out for in January then look no further. Here's a pictorial run down of the latest releases and retirements

Heading for the hills!

Not quite so many figures being retired this month as there have been in recent months and I for one am grateful for that, what with the expense of Christmas, and the fact that I added a few recently retired figures from November and December to my collection as well

If you're in the market for any of the above, further details are available on the company website. Happy hunting!

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