I haven't had the pleasure, yet, of seeing these recent announcements from TCS in the flesh, so I can't say that much about them. That said, I will leave the pictures to do most of the talking, together with a bit of slightly amended advertising copy from the manufacturers, and you can make your own minds up
TCS presents our most comprehensive 88 issue ever! Our Summer Flak 37 comes with a ton of features and additions: the gun traverses and elevates on a custom gear set, the gun shield is removable allowing for different display possibilities, the gunners seat folds up, just like the original, followed by the two base legs, the gun mounts perfectly on dual caissons just like the original, spent ammo cartridges are included as well as two wicker ammo baskets, and we’ve even added a prime mover to give you the option of displaying the gun ‘on the move’.
Now, I missed out on the King and Country 88mm released a few years ago, and I was sorely disappointed about that. If anything, I reckon this looks like a much better bet and, barring some unforeseen financial disaster in the mean time, I will definitely be getting one as soon as the chaps over at TMT can get hold of it. Happy days!
The infamous 88mm, ready for action in Normandy towards the end of the war and attended by a determined SS crew |
The gun comes with two attendant crew figures and a wicker shell basket. The officer and two additional crew are part of a separate set..... | | |
.....and here they are |
Two gun carriages (caissons) which will allow the gun to be towed by this little beauty..... |
.....the SdKfz 7 prime mover, which can be filled with these..... |
.....seated artillerymen, and the whole thing should look something like this |
The 88mm AT with prime mover transport. Very nice! |
Expected to arrive in the UK sometime in April, TMT are already taking advance orders. Pricing details can be found
here, and you may also be delighted to know that all of the above will be released in a winter camouflage scheme as well, for all you Battle of the Bulge fans. Happy ordering!
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