Many of you will know just how big a fan I am of the products coming out of this company. Over the past five years or so they have earned a well deserved reputation as one of the hobby's leading design and manufacturing teams and lately they have been incredibly prolific. Well, cast your eyes over this newsletter which arrived in my inbox a couple of days ago. There's something here for practically everyone and plenty of excitement to be had, so read on and prepared to be drooling at the mouth within moments! Further details and images of each of the individual ranges or figure sets referred to here are available on the company website, just click on the link at the top of the post
in the subject line of our newsletter we name the specific release or
two that are the focus of that particular edition. Well, in this case
there are so many new releases (and ranges!) to announce, that the
subject line just isn’t big enough! So I’ve settled on the “mega”
newsletter as that most appropriately describes this edition with all of
the new products we’re announcing as well as a brand new figure range
and a new sub range to an existing product line. In fact, in our
almost five year history, this is by far our biggest newsletter and
probably the most new releases we’ve had in such a short period of
time. In fact, there are no less than 50 new products presented here
for pre-order plus another 20 or so in the “sneak peek” section. All of
the pre-orders will be shipping between the end of June and the middle
of July as noted in the release specific detail below. So, let’s dive
right in and take a look at all of the new products on offer!
we are extremely pleased to make the official announcement of the first
of the four promised new figure ranges this year, the Seven Years
War! We have had a lot of requests from our customers to cover this
period, particularly the European part of the conflict, and we fully
intend on delivering. One might say that this range is right in our
wheelhouse as the uniforms, styling, and nature of the conflict is
extremely similar to Napoleonic figures and there’s little doubt that is
something we do better than anyone else. So expectations should
deservedly run high for how we’ll approach and deliver on this new

Next, we’re also very pleased to announce the first release of a
new sub range to our WWII: The Arms and Armies of the Second World War
figure range, the Battle of Normandy US 101st Airborne!!! Our WWII range has grown in popularity tremendously over the past year
as more and more collectors have seen the quality of the products and
jumped on board to collect what is the finest WWII figure range in the
world. Up to now, our WWII range has been focused heavily on
Stalingrad and the German army of the Campaign in North Africa. Well,
we are extremely pleased to embark on the “Great Crusade” and bring the
Anglo-Allied armies to life in the quality and styling that we’ve become
known for. So scroll on down to take a look at our upcoming initial
release for this new endeavor, one that is sure to please discerning

For those dedicated to our Stalingrad and DAK figure
ranges, fear not as we’ve also started the pre-order on our latest
offerings for Stalingrad and will follow up with several new DAK
releases in August. Stalingrad and DAK will continue to be expanded as
well, so please don’t worry that we’re “selling out” and moving west. On the contrary, we’re expanding WWII on a broad front strategy that would
make Monty squirm and Eisenhower proud!
addition to these new topics, we’ve also started the pre-order on the
remainder of our coverage of the 18th French Line Infantry for our
Napoleon’s Europe product range. In the first 21 figure codes,
NAP0310-NAP0330, we released the center companies and command. This
second batch of 19 new figure codes adds the Grenadier and Voltigeur
companies with figures NAP0331-NAP0349. This brings the total coverage
of the French 18th Line Infantry to a whopping 40 figure sets!
we are very pleased to present our latest creation for our American
Civil War figure range, sets ACW041-ACW062, the Confederate 13th Alabama
Infantry. When we had initially launched our ACW range we said that
we would make it something of a second flagship figure range. Well,
it’s taken some time, but we feel as though we are finally starting to
live up to that promise and there is more to come later this year
As mentioned previously, we’re also pleased to present our latest
releases for our Stalingrad figure range. Sets RUSSTAL020-RUSTAL022
bring two variants of winter T-34 STZ along with a much needed tank
commander and set GERSTAL047 adds the perfect complement to General
Paulus with General Walther von Seydlitz
For you Glory of Rome
collectors we have started the pre-order on the final 10 figures in our
coverage of the Ancient German adversaries of Imperial Rome, sets
ROM031-ROM040. This should allow for much more detailed dioramas to
come into play now that the Germans have been brought up to strength a
Last, but certainly not least, after two years we are extremely
happy to release the much anticipated Mounted Takeda Samurai charging
the field at Nagashino in 1575. Sets SAM021-SAM026 are simply
stunning figures that a vocal minority of our customer base has been
waiting for patiently for quite some time now. And we promise it won’t
be another two years until the next Samurai release! In fact, we have
another release planned for later in 2012
Don't forget what I said earlier, all the specifics relating to each of the ranges referred to above are available on the company website, together with loads more eye candy! Happy hunting!